Any person, firm or organisation who owns a factory or land producing sugar or sugar cane, tea or tobacco may become a member as of right. Elected membership is open to other parties, including individuals, firms or organisations interested in the export of sugar or in other agricultural produce of economic importance or who have a bona fide interest in sugar or other agricultural industries. Hereunder is a list of Members of the Mauritius Chamber of Agriculture by field of activities for year 2024-2025:
The Bureau
The Mauritius Chamber of Agriculture is administered by a Bureau of seven members elected at the Annual General Meeting. The Bureau is at the core of the Chamber’s activities and is composed of a President, two vice – presidents and four members.
The rules of the Chamber were amended in 1972 in order to increase the level of representation of planters, of planters’ associations and of non-sugar interests on the Bureau. Hence, it is agreed that three out of the seven Bureau seats are allotted to representatives of planters.
Tradition has it that former presidents are invited to attend Bureau meetings to ensure continuity in the administration of the Chamber. The Directors of sister-institutions are also invited to attend Bureau meetings in order to co-ordinate more effectively the actions of the sugar industry.
The composition of the Bureau for 2024-2025 is as follows
2024 - 2025
President – Mr Sébastien Mamet
1st Vice-president – Mr Olivier Baissac
2nd Vice-president – Mr Patrick Lagesse
Secretary General – Mrs Jaqueline Sauzier, CSK
Assistant Secretary General – Mrs Nivershee Theeroovengadum
The President and the members of the Bureau are automatically members of the Council of the Chamber of Agriculture, which is composed of twenty-four members. Its functions are to decide on any question, which may be referred to it by the Bureau, and to settle any dispute between the Chamber and anyone of its members or any other person who makes a claim through any member.
The composition of the Council for 2023-2024 is as follows:
2024 - 2025
President – Mr Sébastien Mamet
1st Vice-president – Mr Olivier Baissac
2nd Vice-president – Mr Patrick Lagesse
Secretary General – Mrs Jaqueline Sauzier, CSK
Assistant Secretary General – Mrs Nivershee Theeroovengadum
Constituted by an Act of Parliament, the SIRF is funded by a levy on the exports of sugar and aims, amongst others, to subsidise and encourage experimental installations in cane plantations and defray any expenses that the Committee may consider beneficial to the sugar industry of Mauritius.
2024 - 2025
President (ex Officio)
The President of the Chamber
Mr Sébastien Mamet
Founded in 1853, Mauritius Chamber of Agriculture, a non-profit private association, is the oldest institution of the private sector and regroups agricultural farmers as well as other stakeholders of the sugar sector, other agricultural cultivations and other general agricultural related activities.
Vivéa Business Park
Block 18, Bâtiment 1827, St Pierre
Tel: (230) 432 1530 / 432 1535
Fax: (230) 432 1316