
Planters Seeking Certification

Are you a farmer willing to get your vegetables and/or brand certified? Find below the necessary information to:

  • Choose the best label for you, according to your situation and needs,
  • Engage in the certification process of your choice.

Find details about local certifying bodies below, in alphabetical order:



Are you proud of producing locally and do you a have a brand of vegetables that you wish to valorize? The role of Made in Moris label is to certify the origin and the quality of a brand producing locally, operating in 7 sectors, it also certifies agricultural brands of fruits and vegetables, regardless of your farming method (open ground/ hydroponic/ aquaponic, etc.). The “Made in Moris” label was created 10 years ago by the Association of Mauritian Manufacturers to promote local know-how and quality products supported by SGS Mauritius. Today, it represents a tool for differentiation and valorization and it champions a national advocacy for more sustainable production and consumption.

How to apply?

To be eligible, an applicant will have to meet three mandatory requirements:

  1. The applicant must have a brand and registered trademark
  2. The applicant must be able to certify that his/her locally produced product has at least 25% of added value minimum
  3. The applicant must be able to attest that 80% of the turnover generated by their brand is made on the sale of locally manufactured products.

If you are eligible, you can apply through a self evaluation questionnaire on the Made in Moris website: https://madeinmoris.mu/nous-rejoindre/adherer-au-made-in-moris 

How much it cost?

All prices are available on the Made in Moris website: https://madeinmoris.mu/rejoignez-nous 

Phase 2 of the Karo Natirel project aims at accompanying volontary planters in their certification process. To benefit from this accompaniement and to receive an update on the project, call the Mauritius Chamber of Agriculture or email us on labelisation@mcamu.org.


You produce vegetables through good agricultural practices, but you may not necessarily have a brand, then MauriGAP may be the ideal choice for you.

MauriGAP represents the Mauritian Good Agricultural practices standards. To obtain this label, having a brand is not necessary, since it certifies vegetables’ harvests.

Through MauriGAP, you can access 3 levels of certification. Level 1 (MS 184-1:2019) applies to the basics of good agricultural practices, level 2 (MS 184-2:2017) is intermediate and level 3 (MS 184-3:2020) is the highest level, which is a pathway towards achieving the international GlobalGAP standards.

How to apply?

  1. Before applying, contact the FAREI training center of your region. The FAREI provides preliminary training on topics such as record keeping, pesticides application, health and safety and MauriGAP requirements which are essential before applying for the MauriGAP Certification.
  2. After completing the training, you can contact the Mauritius Standards Bureau (+230 433 3648) and ask to talk to an employee of the Quality Assurance department for necessary details on the certification process.

How much does it cost?

Since its launch, MauriGAP certifications have been sponsored by the Government of Mauritius. However, please note that there are quotas in place, and that apart from the certification’s cost, the agricultural operator may need to bear preliminary expenses with respect to Pesticides Residues Analysis (PRA) testing in order to meet the standard’s specifications.

Phase 2 of the Karo Natirel project aims at accompanying volontary planters in their certification process. To benefit from this accompaniement and to receive an update on the project, call the Mauritius Chamber of Agriculture or email us on labelisation@mcamu.org.